In case you don’t know who I am, I’m Andrew G (my full name is Andrew Gyopar but a lot people can’t pronounce my last name or remember how to spell it
I started in radio in 1992 and I have been producing & presenting radio, video and theatre ever since. I also love to talk about other shows playing in theatres in Melbourne, Australia.
I am often asked why I am such a passionate promoter of live theatre in Melbourne. For me, live theatre has the ability to create a visceral and immediate connection between performers and the audience, fostering a shared, communal experience that transcends the boundaries of the stage. The immersive nature of live performances, coupled with the authenticity of in-the-moment interactions, allows people to engage with the raw emotions, energy, and artistry of the theatrical experience in a way that resonates deeply.
I am especially fond of musical theatre. The magical realm where storytelling transcends spoken words.
Hopefully I’ll see you at the theatre soon!