The Boy from Oz

National Theatre, St Kilda

Opens July 2024

The Boy from Oz is the musical biography and tribute to the late great Peter Allen.

Peter Allen was born in the outback Australian town of Tenterfield in 1944. He made his entertainment debut at the age of 5 impersonating Al Jolson. As a teenager he became a pop star and then toured Asia. There he met Judy Garland who took him to Londonwhere he met and become engaged to her daughter Liza Minnelli. In the US Peter enjoyed the highs of success by winning an Oscar, selling out performances in Radio City Music Hall, and receiving adulation when he returned to Australia. There were also plenty of lows … breaking up with his wife, staging a Broadway flop, the death of his partner and his own battle with illness.

The Boy from Oz leaps, as does Peter himself, from past to present and back to past all within the familiar context of one of his energy packed concerts.


Her Majesty's Theatre

Opens March 2024

The Boy from Oz

National Theatre

July 2024

A Chorus Line

National Theatre

September 2024

Groundhog Day

Princess Theatre

January 2024


Regent Theatre

March 2024


Princess Theatre

March 2024

In case you don’t know who I am, I’m Andrew G (my full name is Andrew Gyopar but a lot people can’t pronounce my last name or remember how to spell it 😉).

I started in radio in 1992 and I have been producing & presenting radio, video and theatre ever since. I also love to talk about other shows playing in theatres in Melbourne, Australia.

I am often asked why I am such a passionate promoter of live theatre in Melbourne. For me, live theatre has the ability to create a visceral and immediate connection between performers and the audience, fostering a shared, communal experience that transcends the boundaries of the stage. The immersive nature of live performances, coupled with the authenticity of in-the-moment interactions, allows people to engage with the raw emotions, energy, and artistry of the theatrical experience in a way that resonates deeply.

I am especially fond of musical theatre. The magical realm where storytelling transcends spoken words.

Hopefully I’ll see you at the theatre soon!

Collaboration of Arts

Musical theatre is a beautiful collaboration of various art forms. From choreography that brings lyrics to life to set designs that transport us to different worlds, it’s a harmonious marriage of visual and auditory elements. The result is a sensory feast for the audience.

Diversity of Genres

Whether it’s the grandeur of a main-stage show or the intimacy of small independent productions, musical theatre offers a diverse range of genres. From classic show tunes to modern rock operas, there’s something for every taste, making it an inclusive and welcoming art form.

Emotional Resonance

In the realm of musical theatre, emotions don’t just simmer; they burst into song and dance. The powerful combination of music, lyrics, and performance transforms narratives into emotional symphonies, leaving audiences enchanted and moved.

Community Connection

Attend a live musical, and you’re not just a spectator; you become part of a communal experience. The shared laughter, tears, and applause create a unique bond among audience members, fostering a sense of unity and shared appreciation for the arts.

The Power of Expression

Musical theatre is a canvas where emotions find their truest expression. From joyous celebrations to heart-wrenching solos, each note and movement convey a spectrum of feelings that words alone cannot capture. It’s a celebration of the human experience in its rawest form.

Storytelling in Song

Music has the unique ability to etch stories into our memories. In musical theatre, songs become the threads weaving the narrative tapestry. They create memorable moments that linger long after the final curtain call, transforming stories into timeless melodies.

The Boy from Oz

National Theatre

July 2024

A Chorus Line

National Theatre

September 2024

A Chorus Line

National Theatre

September 2024

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